Impact were pleased to celebrate the end of this prolific year with
'Magnum Hopeless'.
Once again the Impact Theatre was transformed for Norma Lowney's set design. This time it became a bar set where fair-weather friends undermined each other, lovers betrayed their love, and mobile phones were stolen.
Just on personal note, I'd like to thank Chris Sanford for making sense out of a very confusing script, and a number of other people for originally coming out with the bestlines and gags in the script (not really realising they were doing so, but merely by conversing or living with me). Joe Carroll for loving Star Trek, Louise Veling for hating Yorkie bars, Eoin McCarthy for mad practical jokes. Damien (damo)Carroll for the stalking, porn film, story in the tropics and the 'thin lizzy played here once' diatribe, Johnathan Kearney for the 'golden moments' theory and Cornelia O'Connell for 'smelly-poo-bottom'. Everything else I can't remember where I stole it from.
Well we're trying to run a family website here, so it's nice when people amend the swearage( Old uncle Bock is of course a special case, suffering as he does from interweb-tourettes, and more to be pitied than admonished).
Just on personal note, I'd like to thank Chris Sanford for making sense out of a very confusing script, and a number of other people for originally coming out with the bestlines and gags in the script (not really realising they were doing so, but merely by conversing or living with me).
Joe Carroll for loving Star Trek,
Louise Veling for hating Yorkie bars,
Eoin McCarthy for mad practical jokes.
Damien (damo)Carroll for the stalking, porn film, story in the tropics and the 'thin lizzy played here once' diatribe,
Johnathan Kearney for the 'golden moments' theory
and Cornelia O'Connell for 'smelly-poo-bottom'.
Everything else I can't remember where I stole it from.
Excellent. We'll be there.
I want to give feedback without being crass but I cant...It was f*cking amazing!
Loved it- great fun, very clever+ entertaining. Thank you v.much.
Excellent. Fair play.
A lot different than before.
Bock and the grocer were high after the show. Excellent work. brilliant that Noel was in the show, worked kinda like Tom's on acid! :-)
The authorised biography of darren maher was only effing awesome.
Isn't it amazing the way everybody says "effing" and "f*cking" here, on t'Internet?
Was anybody actualy at the show? For fucksake. It was great fuckin fun.
Well we're trying to run a family website here, so it's nice when people amend the swearage( Old uncle Bock is of course a special case, suffering as he does from interweb-tourettes, and more to be pitied than admonished).
Best wishes to all the Impact people for Christmas and the new year.
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