To mark Samuel Beckett's centenery, Impact are performing eight of his plays; two full-length shows,and six shorts.
The line-up of the plays is:
7-11th Nov
Happy Days
14th-18th Nov
Come and Go
21st-25th Nov
Not I
28th Nov-2nd Dec
Despite performing four productions already this year, we're showing no signs of exhaustion; 'Beckett's Women: A Season' shall see the performance of known (Happy Days, Endgame, Not I, Play) and less well-known (Come and Go, Catastrophe, Rockaby, Footfalls) works from a different perspective: these Beckett plays have been chosen specifically to illustrate how the author depicts women.
From November 7th until December 2nd the Impact machine will be running more or less constantly in our city centre basement theatre; apart from Sunday and Monday nights, when we'll be installing and removing sets!
Speaking of this ambitious project, director Patrick Burke has this to say "Yes it is ambitious, and very demanding for everyone involved, but we're delighted to be doing something here in Limerick that hasn't been done anywhere else. This examination of Beckett's female characters hasn't been done in Ireland before. "
Contact Niamh Bowen: 086 3641441 for further information.